Reviews & Testimonials for Oregon AHMA
They came, they participated, and they wrote these wonderful comments on their evaluation forms!
Comments regarding our monthly continuing education classes:
“Thank you very much for continuing to get training out to us all, even in these trying times!”
“Oregon AHMA has provided so many excellent CE classes over the years, even during this time of pandemic!”
“Amanda Gross is a rock star! I always enjoy her classes and learn something new every time.”
“This was an insightful and instructive webinar.”
“This was the best webinar I’ve attended in a long time.”
“It’s obvious that Leah really knows her stuff. Very well presented and timed out to the minute!”
“This was one of the best webinars I have sat through in a while. Very applicable and easy to understand.”
“Gwen Volk is a knowledgeable and engaging speaker. Great material and exercises.”
“Amanda provided excellent instructions. She is a great presenter and keeps you engaged in the topics.”
“Really liked the energy of the presenter. She was a great educator and kept the class interesting and awake!”
"I enjoyed the class. Great refresher and loved learning new things that are going to help me."
“This was one of the best webinars that I have attended since the start of the pandemic. I really enjoyed being able to see Jay DeLapp on my screen as it helped keep my attention and focus on the topics he presented.”
“Great webinar! I’ve been doing AFHMPs for two years now with no training. It was nice to confirm that I’m doing most of it correctly.”
“I learned a lot from Scott Precourt. It was so helpful to learn about the updates and ongoing changes to REAC/NSPIRE.”
“A very informative, productive class from Barb Kennedy. Thanks!”
“All the information from OHCS trainers Jen Marchand and Sarah Reed was very helpful, especially for new managers.”
“Jenny DeSilva is an amazing speaker. I have learned a lot through this webinar series and have more confidence and understanding of my responsibilities within the EIV system.”
“My first class with Gwen Volk, and she was awesome! Gave great examples.”
Comments regarding our annual conference:
“From registration to the closing plenary, this was a fun, upbeat, and educational conference. Such a good resource for housing providers, from owners to managers to maintenance techs.”
"The hospitality of the AHMA staff and volunteers was ‘above and beyond.’ Thank you! I felt truly welcome and humbled by your efforts to serve attendees on so many levels.”
“The tracks covered different topics than the monthly CE classes so it was expanded education which I appreciate, being new. I want all I can get to perform my job efficiently.”
“The tracks were very informative. For me, they serve as a check-in-balance to ensure I am doing my job and maintain compliance at all levels (files, property management, maintenance, inspections, etc.).”
“Honestly, I can’t learn enough. My first AHMA (conference) was last year and I was amazed at the information I brought home. After a year of learning hands-on, I was more comfortable at this year’s conference. Just wish I could have taken both the general track and the LIHTC track, but I can’t be in two places at same time!”
“Really needed the information on OHCS inspection process. Thanks to the OHCS compliance team trainers for this excellent session.”
"The HUD, OHCS, and RD agency updates on Wednesday morning were informative- learned a lot about what’s going on with housing initiatives here in Oregon.”
“The RD occupancy track had topics that were extra-good this year. I found the sessions to be really helpful and interesting.”
“The asbestos session was incredible. Clint Arp gave us a LOT of new information.”
“Jay DeLapp was informative, funny, and took the time to answer questions. It’s clear he cares about the Rural Development program.”
“Who doesn’t love Amanda Gross? She makes it fun and at the same time is very good at stressing the important items that will make us better managers.”
“Matthew Perry has a wealth of knowledge that he is happy to share with attendees.”
“Instructor Shyle Ruder helped me understand fair housing much better.”
“Seeing others in my industry being recognized for their good work is fulfilling to me, and I won $50 in the door prize drawing!”
“It’s always good to talk with other managers and remember we are all in the same boat. I’m not in this alone. It’s good to build up and encourage each other.”
“Jeff Boyd’s session on communication skills was needed. Without communication, team work doesn’t exist. Thank you for the excellent class, Jeff.”
“Hawaiian hosted happy hour was lots of fun. I was able to interact and meet new people. The photo booth was a hit!”