Professional Membership - Oregon ahma
Please read the professional membership application carefully to determine membership fees by category and tier. Pay your membership fees online below or by mailing a check to the Oregon AHMA office. The office address is on the membership application.
SPECIAL BONUS! Join now and receive a free registration to one of our one day, continuing education classes!
2025 Professional Member Application
membership Application
Fill out the professional membership application and email the APPLICATION to the Oregon AHMA office.
Mailing Address
Oregon AHMA
P.O. Box 1135
Forest Grove, OR 97116
Professional Membership Payment information
Oregon AHMA shares dues with its parent organization, NAHMA ( To read about the benefits of membership and to review the membership application for NAHMA/Oregon AHMA, please click the AHMA membership application form above.
If you are a professional offering consulting services to affordable housing providers and do not own or manage units, you pay only the organizational dues.
Own or Manage Units?
For those who own or manage units, you will be paying the $250 organizational dues, as well as the $3/unit dues.
At checkout, after you select "Organizational Dues - $250 (no units) and add to cart" you are taken to the shopping cart where you will click "continue shopping" (located up in the corner) and you'll be returned back to this page.
Now, select the 'Add # of Units' option from the drop-down menu. Click 'add to cart.'
When you're back in the shopping cart, enter the number units x $3, and click "update cart" (or it may update the total automatically). Your total dues will then be ready for you to check-out.
A NOTE ABOUT PAYPAL: You DO NOT need to have a PayPal account in order to use the payment processor. You can choose to check out as a “GUEST.” Once you click on the shopping cart with your selections, follow the payment instructions carefully.
Please read the application for more information, or to further determine your membership fees.
Pay Online
Professional Members Include the Following Organizations:
ACCESS, Andor Law, Bittner & Hahs, P.C., Cascade Management, Cascadia Health, Catholic Community Services Foundation, Centro Management, ColumbiaCare Services, Columbia Cascade Housing Corp., EPIC Property Management, Grand Management Services, Guardian Management, Hearth & Truss, Homes for Good, Housing Authority of the City of Salem, Housing Authority of Jackson County, Housing Authority of Lincoln County, Housing Authority of Malheur & Harney County, Housing Authority of Marion County, Housing Authority of Umatilla County, Housing Authority of Yamhill County, HumanGood, Income Property Management, Integrated Supports for Living, Klamath Housing Authority, Klamath Tribal Housing, Lake Park Towers, Linn-Benton Housing Authority, Lovelace Properties, Loveridge Hunt & Company, Mainstream Housing, Manor Management Services, Mercy Housing, Meritus Property Group, LLC, Native American Youth and Family Center, Neighborly Ventures, NeighborWorks Umpqua, Nest West Property, LLC, North Bend City/Coos-Curry Housing Authorities, Northeast Oregon Housing Authority, North Plains Senior Plaza, Northwest Housing Alternatives, Northwest Oregon Housing Authority, NWRECC, OnTrack Rogue Valley, Opportunity Foundation of Central Oregon, Options for Southern Oregon, Oregon Housing & Community Services, Oregon Mennonite Residential Services, Pedcor Management Corporation, Pinehurst Management, Poised Properties, Polk CDC, Providence Supportive Housing, QUAD Inc., Quantum Residential, REACH CDC, Sabin CDC, St. Vincent de Paul, ShelterCare, Sponsors, Inc., Umpqua Homes, United Community Action Network, Viridian Management, Vulin Wilkinson, LLC, and Warren Allen, LLP.