Oregon AHMA - 2024 Annual Conference
were well thought out and organized. I learned so much and enjoyed visiting with my colleagues. I would love to come back every year.”
-- 2017 conference attendee
Thanks for stopping by.
Registration for the Annual Conference is now closed.
Conference is just a few days away and registration for this event has closed so that we can make final preparations with the appropriate head counts.
If you registered for conference but haven’t paid your registration fees, you can still do so below.
Don’t have a PayPal account? Not to worry. Register as a guest and pay with your credit or debit card. It’s easy and fast. Just follow the instructions in the shopping cart.
NON-Member Registration Fee
Spouse or Guest Meals for NON-Members
AHMA Member Registration Fee
Spouse or Guest Meals for AHMA Members
Banquet Meal Only
Contact Oregon AHMA Director Maggie Meikle
oregonahma@frontier.com or by phone at 503-357-7140